Wednesday, August 10, 2011

God's plans are, by FAR, way better than mine...

Wow!! I must say....I am completely AMAZED by God's goodness to me (to US)!! Most people know what happened two-and-a-half years ago when my husband lost our job and things just kinda spiraled out of control. Not "kinda", but MAJORLY spiraled out of control...Throughout these trials in our life, God was working on me and teaching me the value of trusting and relying on Him 100% COMPLETELY! I won't lie...I struggled with that! I was like Peter from the Bible...I started to look at the mess and storms of my life and took my eyes off of Jesus and I began to sink. My marriage with my husband was struggling...we were just barely making it. These were times that we didn't know what our future would hold.....but, God did!

God knew, because His hand was on it all!!

On August 1st, 2011, my husband started a new job that just fell into His lap. So much so that I knew that it MUST be God! This job pays him $8 more an hour, allows David to get overtime, and, the best part......BENEFITS!!!!! Awesome benefits!!!! This is such a huge answer to prayer!! He will also be doing jobs where he will be sent to work in other countries!! We are sooo blessed and have realized over the course of our hardships that Christ is in control and takes care of us!! He has grown me and has brought David and I closer together in our marriage and is providing for us. We are still short saling our home, as we are too far behind in payments, but we understand now that it's just "stuff" and God has something way better in store for us!!


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